We invite the research community to submit nominations for the Seoul Test of Time Award, which will be presented at The ACM Web Conference 2023 in April-May 2023 in Austin, Texas. The award will be given to a paper that has been published in The Web Conference series, formerly known as WWW.

Inaugurated in 2015, the Seoul Test of Time Award is made possible by the generous contributions of the organizers of the WWW’2014 conference, held in Seoul, South Korea. A list of the previous award winners is available online.

This year, we will focus on papers that were published in the research track of the conference proceedings in 2013 or before, and which demonstrated a lasting significant scientific, technical, industrial, or social impact over the years.

If you intend to nominate a paper, you should have no conflict of interest with any of the authors of the paper. To nominate a paper, please upload it to EasyChair on or before Jan 20, 2023, completing the submission form as follows:


  • Address for Correspondence: The nominator should enter their own details in that field.
  • Author Information: The nominator should enter their own details in that field.
  • Title and Abstract: The nominator should enter the title of the paper in the Title field and use the abstract field for their supporting case. The case should include evidence of significant scientific, technical, industrial, and social impact, including citation counts from DBLP or Google Scholar (supported by a link). Finally, the nominator should indicate whether they would like their identity to remain confidential.
  • Keywords: The nominator should select at least three keywords (one per line) characterizing the submission.
  • No COI: The nominator must check this checkbox to confirm the absence of a Conflict of Interest with all authors of the nominated paper.
  • Paper: Upload the PDF of the nominated paper as it appeared in the conference proceedings.

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.

Thank you for your interest in The ACM Web Conference!

Ryen White,

on behalf of the Selection Committee of the Seoul Test of Time Award of the Web Conference