SIGWEB hosts the annual International ACM Hypertext Conference. SIGWEB conferences focus on timely topics in applied and computational hypertext and web disciplines and provide a place for members and the entire applied Social Media and Web community to exchange ideas and to meet with and expand their network of colleagues.

The ACM Hypertext conference is a premium venue for high quality peer-reviewed research on hypertext theory, systems and applications. It is concerned with all aspects of modern hypertext research including social media, semantic web, dynamic and computed hypertext and hypermedia as well as narrative systems and applications.

ACM Digital Library Page

HyperText Steering Committee

  • David Millard - Chair (HT 19 Program Chair)
  • Jessica Rubart (HT 19 Chair)
  • Claus Atzenbeck (HT 19 Chair)
  • Jamie Blustein
  • Ethan Munson
  • Peter Dolog, Aalborg University (General Chair, HT2017)
  • Denis Helic, Graz University of Technology (Program Co-chair, HT2017)

Below is a list of yearly proceedings from the conferences.


Andy van Dam's Reflections on a Half Century of Hypertext

At ACM HT's 30th anniversary (2019) Andries (Andy) van Dam's keynote reflects on the development of five decades of hypermedia systems an demos three systems that have been highlights of his "journey in hyperland". The systems are FRESS, TAG (Touch Art Gallery) used by the Novel foundation a few years ago and DASH, the hypertext system he and his team is currently working on. 

"All of us working on our first hypertext systems in the '60s understood the potential of this technology. What I did not predict is that 50 years later the revolution in human-centered computing would remain far too unfinished in terms of its positive societal impact."

He closes with some thoughts on both deliberately designed and unanticipated societal issues of social media that he feel we technologists must urgently help address. The talk is embedded below; find the slides and demo videos at the conference site, the abstract is available in the DL. The Talk begins at 1:41.