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Online Access to ACM Digital Libraries

All SIGWEB members have access to ACM DL content of events sponsored by SIGWEB:

SIGWEB Community Benefits

In addition, you will also be part of a community of shared interests that provide:

  • Sponsorship or co-sponsorship of the ACM Hypertext Conference (HT), ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng), ACM/IEEE JointConference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), and ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)
  • In-cooperation sponsorship and other support for several related conferences, symposia, and workshops
  • Maintenance of the Web site
  • Sponsorship or co-sponsorship of the Douglas C. Engelbart Best Paper Award, Theodore H. Nelson Newcomer Award, and Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award

Subscription to SIGWEB Mailing List

All SIGWEB members get a free subscription to the SIGWEB members email list, with calls, advance and final event programs, and news of interest to the community posted regularly.


Discounts on conferences, publications, and videos All SIGWEB members get reduced rates at SIGWEB sponsored, co- sponsored, and co-operating events; All SIGWEB members get reduced subscription rates to New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia.