The WebConf Steering Committee (SC) hereby invites eligible proposals to host the annual 2026 ACM Web Conference (TheWebConf 2026).  The conference typically takes place in April of each year, but organizers have some flexibility in the proposed scheduling.  The typical number of attendees to a WebConf is between 800-1200.  More information on the Web Conference series can be found here.

The Web Conference (formerly known as WWW conference) is a yearly international conference on the topic of the World Wide Web. The conference began in 1994 at CERN and is organized each year by a local team of volunteers from different parts of the world who come together to organize the conference. The Conference aims to provide the world with a premier forum for discussion and debate about the evolution of the Web, the standardization of its associated technologies, and the impact of those technologies on society and culture. The conference brings together researchers, policymakers, developers, users, and commercial ventures — indeed all those who are passionate about the Web and what it has to offer. 

Starting in 2022, the Web Conference will be formally integrated as an ACM-organized event. ACM provides extensive information for conference organizers here.

Eligibility for Hosting

  • Hosting institutions should be not-for-profit academic/research entities.
  • The bid should be submitted by a member of the hosting institution. He or she should be ready to act as the General Co-chair of the conference or Co-chair of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC).  Members of LOC should have attended and been involved in previous WebConf conferences.
  • The bid can be submitted together with University, local industry, and the City’s support.
  • Professional Conference Organizers (PCOs) are eligible to act as management organizations for the conference. PCO activities should be fee-based, without profit sharing.
  • The General Chair and Treasurer must have a valid ACM membership.

Proposal Submission and Selection

  • February 17, 2023.  Deadline to submit the preliminary proposal and budget to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  • March 2023.  Interviews with short-listed candidates and invitations to submit full proposals
  • April 2023.  Announcement of the final selection at The WebConf 2023, Austin, USA
  • The ACM WebConf SC will select the conference venue after carefully considering all bids including but not limited to the following aspects in mind.
    • Location: accessibility/transport; conference venue, e.g., convention center, hotel, or university; accommodation; dining options; handicap access (ramp, wide doors, lifts, etc.)
  • Proposed dates: national holidays, religious holidays, and other major technical events should be avoided
  • Budget: a balanced budget following ACM guidelines here
  • Support: local, regional, and national academic and industry support and sponsorship, especially financial
  • Local arrangements team: chair/co-chair, committee, volunteer labor, registration handling; describing any experience the team has had in organizing previous conferences and the number of participants at those conferences
  • Meeting venues: space for sessions, tutorials, workshops, posters, exhibits, demos, small meetings, and registration
  • Facilities: high-speed, all-ports-open, easy-to-use internet access; audiovisual equipment; stage; other amenities
  • Catering: including breaks, receptions, poster sessions, banquet, and entertainment
  • Others: potential for technical or cultural visits, social programs, etc.

Inquiries concerning bid submission may be directed to VP for Conferences, Irwin King at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

TheWebConf Steering Committee Executive Board

  • Dick Bulterman, CWI and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Wendy Hall, University of Southampton
  • Arun Iyengar, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research
  • Irwin King, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Yoelle Maarek, Amazon

TheWebConf Venues

2025 (Sydney, Australia); 2024 (Singapore); 2023 (Austin, USA); 2022 (Lyon, France); 2021 (Ljubljana, Slovenia); 2020 (Taipei, Taiwan); 2019 (San Francisco, USA); 2018 (Lyon, France); 2017 (Perth, Australia); 2016 (Montreal, Canada); 2015 (Florence, Italy); 2014 (Seoul, Korea); 2013 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); 2012 (Lyon, France); 2011 (Hyderabad, India); 2010 (Raleigh, USA); 2009 (Madrid, Spain); 2008 (Beijing, China); 2007 (Banff, Canada); 2006 (Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)); 2005 (Chiba, Japan); 2004 (New York, USA); 2003 (Budapest, Hungary); 2002 (Honolulu, USA); 2001 (Hong Kong, China); 2000 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands); 1999 (Toronto, Canada); 1998 (Brisbane, Australia); 1997 (Santa Clara, USA); 1996 (Paris, France); 1995 (Boston, USA); 1995 (Darmstadt, Germany); 1994 (Chicago, USA); 1994 (Geneva, Switzerland)