DocEng '17- Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library


Historical Document Processing

Document Engineering Issues in Malware Analysis

Understanding the User: User Studies and User Evaluation for Document Engineering

SESSION: Keynote I

The Notarial Archives, Valletta: Starting from Zero

SESSION: Generation, Manipulation and Presentation

Linear Extended Annotation Graphs

The Fábulas Model for Authoring Web-based Children's eBooks

Effective Floating Strategies

SESSION: Collections, Systems and Management

The Mitchell Library WordCloud: Beyond Boolean Search

Small-Term Distribution for Disk-Based Search

Maintaining Integrity and Non-Repudiation in Secure Offline Documents

Distributing Text Mining tasks with librAIry

SESSION: User Interactions

MACE: A New Interface for Comparing and Editing of Multiple Alternative Documents for Generative Design

Interactive Documents based on Discrete Trials

DocHandles: Linking Document Fragments in Messaging Apps

The RASH JavaScript Editor (RAJE): A Wordprocessor for Writing Web-first Scholarly Articles


Sketched Visual Narratives for Image and Video Search

SESSION: Demonstrations and Poster Presentations of Short Papers

Towards a Model and a Textual Representation for Location-based Games

SketchTab3d: A Hybrid Sketch Library using Tablets and Immersive 3D Environments

A Tool for Mixing XML Annotations

Authenticity in a Digital Era: Still a Document Process: The Case of Laboratory Notebooks

Fast Binarisation with Chebyshev Inequality

Post-Processing OCR Text using Web-Scale Corpora

qqmbr and indentml: Extensible Mathematical Publishing for Web and Paper

The Common Fold: Utilizing the Four-Fold to Dewarp Printed Documents from a Single Image

Improving Version-Aware Word Documents

Classification of MathML Expressions Using Multilayer Perceptron

SESSION: Document Analysis: Classification and Similarity

Learning before Learning: Reversing Validation and Training

Detecting In-line Mathematical Expressions in Scientific Documents

High-performance Computational Framework for Phrase Relatedness

SESSION: Document Analysis: Content Analysis

Automatic Knowledge Base Construction from Scholarly Documents

Clinically Significant Information Extraction from Radiology Reports

Towards a Transcription System of Sign Language Video Resources via Motion Trajectory Factorisation

The Intangible Nature of Drama Documents: an FRBR View

SESSION: Document Analysis & #38; Visual Document Analysis

Assessing Binarization Techniques for Document Images

Baseline Detection on Arabic Handwritten Documents

High-Performance Preprocessing of Architectural Drawings for Legend Metadata Extraction via OCR

Preparation of Music Scores to Enable Hands-free Page Turning Based on Eye-gaze Tracking

SESSION: Multimedia and Mobile Documents

Using Abstract Anchors to Aid The Development of Multimedia Applications With Sensory Effects

Opportunistic Collaborative Mobile-Based Multimedia Authoring Based on the Capture of Live Experiences

Personalized Ubiquitous Data Collection and Intervention as Interactive Multimedia Documents

NuSys: Towards a Document IDE for Knowledge Work