DocEng '16- Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Session 0: Workshops and Tutorials

Table Modelling, Extraction and Processing

Document Engineering Issues in Malware Analysis

Document Changes: Modeling, Detection, Storage and Visualization (DChanges 2016)

Future Publishing Formats

SESSION: Session 2: Keynote I

Research Infrastructures, or How Document Engineering,Cultural Heritage, and Digital Humanities can Go Together

SESSION: Session 3: Layouts and Publishing

A General Framework for Globally Optimized Pagination

Aesthetic Measures for Document Layouts: Operationalization and Analysis in the Context of Marketing Brochures

METIS: A Multi-faceted Hybrid Book Learning Platform

SESSION: Session 5: XML and Data Modelling

Digital Preservation Based on Contextualized Dependencies

Schema-aware Extended Annotation Graphs

NCM 3.1: A Conceptual Model for Hyperknowledge Document Engineering

SESSION: Session 7: Text Analysis I: Similarity

Using a Dictionary and n-gram Alignment to Improve Fine-grained Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection

Relaxing Orthogonality Assumption in Conceptual Text Document Similarity

Enhancing the Searchability of Page-Image PDF Documents Using an Aligned Hidden Layer from a Truth Text

SESSION: Session 8: Keynote II

Design is Not What You Think It Is

SESSION: Session 9: Text Analysis II: Classification

SEL: A Unified Algorithm for Entity Linking and Saliency Detection

Automated Intrinsic Text Classification for Component Content Management Applications in Technical Communication

Centroid Terms as Text Representatives

Frequent Multi-Byte Character Subtring Extraction using a Succinct Data Structure

SESSION: Session 12: Demonstrations and Poster Presentations of Short Papers

Mobile Summarizer and News Summary Navigator: Two Multilingual News Article Summarization Tools for Mobile Devices

Rendering Mathematics for the Web using Madoko

A PDF Wrapper for Table Processing

Configurable Table Structure Recognition in Untagged PDF documents

Extending Data Models by Declaratively Specifying Contextual Knowledge

Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Content Extraction from Online Flyers

Combining Taxonomies using Word2vec

Important Word Organization for Support of Browsing Scholarly Papers Using Author Keywords

Selecting Features with Class Based and Importance Weighted Document Frequency in Text Classification

Bayesian Mixture Models on Connected Components for Newspaper Article Segmentation

SESSION: Session 13: Text Analysis III: Summarization

Appling Link Target Identification and Content Extraction to improve Web News Summarization

Towards Cohesive Extractive Summarization through Anaphoric Expression Resolution

Assessing Concept Weighting in Integer Linear Programming based Single-document Summarization

SESSION: Session 15: Applications and Security

A Lightweight and Efficient Mechanism for Fixing the Synchronization of Misaligned Subtitle Documents

DocuGram: Turning Screen Recordings into Documents

An Exploratory Study on Managing and Searching for Documents in Software Engineering Environments

Mass Serialization Method for Document Encryption Policy Enforcement

SESSION: Session 16: Visual Document Analysis

Generation of Search-able PDF of the Chemical Equations segmented from Document Images

A Multimodal Crowdsourcing Framework for Transcribing Historical Handwritten Documents

Embedded Textual Content for Document Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks